10 Tactics for Web 2.0 Success
1) Create a Community!
Provide membership facilities such as profile pages, friending , defining groups and friend invites. A feeling of influence is also required such as a platform for expression where the audience is in charge.
Fulfil social, ego and self-actualisation needs of your users and then allow them to show their status and expertise.
Greet every new member
2) Simple Proposition and Simple Platform!
Have a simple proposition, you can explain your website on the phone. S/he can easily and truly imagine your web site.
Provide a benefit to the person that makes a real difference in their lives.
Promote active participation such as user generated content.
3) Viral Growth!
If you want to grow, you must include facilities to encourage word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM) both altruistic and incentivised.
Provide integrated sharing mechanisms: Email, blogs, RSS, widgets, cut and paste of code snippets, IM, and SMS.
Develop ways to lower the barrier to invite friends such as: "Import from address books (hotmail, gmail, outlook express), import from instant messaging clients."
Encourage a natural network-effect, whereby the site has more value to users the more people they invite.
4) Continuous Research and Development!
Continually research and develop the site on a rolling basis. Do not be afraid of experimentation.
Keep an open dialogue with your users and involve them in decisions.
Provide an easy mechanism for users to provide feedback. It’s free testing.
Closely monitor real user behaviour and use this information to improve and develop your site.
Do not forget that web development and design is a process, not an event!
5) Platform for Advertisers!
With your community, think about how you can meet advertisers with the right consumers.
Create opportunities for advertisers to interact with the users.
6) Outside in, Inside out!
Allow content from the web into your site such as widgets, rss, etc.
Allow syndication of your content and brand through rss, widgets, open APIs etc. Set your content free. Let your users do your marketing for you.
7) Focus!
Target your proposition to an audience.
You can target on one of the following:
Location Based Focus
xianei.com = China Focus
Interest Based Focus
myspace.com = Music Focus
Identity Based Focus
ivillage.com = Female Focus
Condition Based Focus
theknot.com = Marriage Focus
8) Be Profitable!
Don’t forget to be profitable! Check the real costs of content creation!
Measure and focus on your rate of monetisation such as total revenue per visit,this is your yield.
9) Rich Content Presentation!
Readers are looking for complete solutions. Make sure your content is interesting. Expertise is relative, people are looking for the like-minded people.
Be specific! Readers want the specific content.
Provide a mix of content from broad to narrow; from small audiences to large audiences delivered from a range of sources, from editorial content , blogs, UGC(User Generated Content), Forums and ratings, reviews and comments.
10) Sell Something!
100% advertising revenue = eggs in one basket
Don’t forget to sell something!
Virtual World: Facebook Gifts; Second Life Island; Ad-Free Memberships
Real World: DeviantArt Printed Material; Merchandising Products
* inspired by Paul Lomax
Yüce Zerey | y=f(yuce)